CSE 3380 - Linear Algebra for CSE
This is the course page for CSE 3380 - Linear Algebra in Spring 2025. Here you’ll find class notes and other helpful resources. All assignments and announcements will be posted on Canvas.
Instructor Office Hours
Days | Time | Location |
MoWeFri | 12PM - 1PM | ERB 125 |
TuTh | 1PM - 2PM | ERB 125 |
Teaching Assistant
Hayden Lotspeich (hayden (dot) lotspeich (at) mavs (dot) uta (dot) edu)
Office Hours
Days | Time | Location |
MoWeFri | 12PM - 1PM | ERB 125 |
⭓Course Materials
- David Lay, Stephen Lay, and Judi McDonald, Linear Algebra and Its Applications (5th ed.), Pearson, 2016.
- Sheldon Axler, Linear Algebra Done Right, Springer International Publishing, 2014.
- Wanmo Kang, Kyunghyun Cho, Linear Algebra for Data Science, 2024.
This schedule is tentative and may change.
Date | Topic | Materials |
Week 1 | Course Introduction and Systems of Linear Equations | |
Week 2 | Solution Sets, Vectors, and Linear Combinations | |
Week 3 | Matrix Operations, Block Matrices, and Determinants | |
Week 4 | Vector Spaces and Subspaces | |
Week 5 | Exam Week (Review and Exam 1) |
Week 6 | Subspaces, Linear Independence, Bases, and Linear Transformations | |
Week 7 | Computer Graphics, Determinants and Volumes | |
Week 8 | Change of Basis | |
Week 9 | Spring Break |
Week 10 | Orthogonality and Gram-Schmidt | |
Week 11 | QR Factorization, Exam 2 |