CSE 4373/5373 - General Purpose GPU Programming


This is the course page for CSE 4373/5373 - General Purpose GPU Programming in Spring 2024. Here you’ll find class notes and other helpful resources. All assignments and announcements will be posted on Canvas.

ERB 125 Lab Hours

Days Time
Mo 9AM - 8PM
Tue 9:30AM - 2PM
Wed 9:30AM - 1:30PM, 3PM - 8PM
Thu 11:30AM - 1:30PM
Fri 9AM - 8PM

Instructor Office Hours

Days Time Location
MoWeFri 12PM - 1PM ERB 125
TuTh 1PM - 2PM ERB 125

Teaching Assistant

Keshav Bansal (kxb5527 (at) mavs (dot) uta (dot) edu)

Office Hours
Days Time Location
Mo 9PM - 12PM ERB 125
Fri 1PM - 3PM ERB 125

Course Materials




This schedule is tentative and may change.

Date Topic Materials
January 13 Course Introduction
January 15 Heterogeneous Data Parallel Computing
January 17 Environment Setup Day
January 22 Multidimensional Grids and Data
January 24 Lab/Recitation
January 27 Multidimensional Grids and Data
January 29 CUDA Compute Architecture
January 31 Lab/Recitation
February 3 Memory Architecture
February 5 Tiling and Shared Memory
February 10 GPU Performance Basics
February 12 GPU Performance Basics
February 14 Lab/Recitation
February 17 Convolutional Pattern
February 19 Convolutional Pattern
February 21 Lab/Recitation
February 26 Profiling and Benchmarking
February 28 Lab/Recitation
March 3 Stencil Pattern
March 5 Parallel Histogram
March 7 Lab/Recitation
March 17 Parallel Scan
March 19 Parallel Scan
March 21 Lab/Recitation
March 24 General Reductions
March 26 Merge
March 28 Lab/Recitation