CSE 6363 - Machine Learning (8-week)


This is the course page for CSE 6363 - Machine Learning (8-week) in Spring 2025. Here you’ll find class notes and other helpful resources. All assignments and announcements will be posted on Canvas.

Instructor Office Hours

Days Time Location
MoWeFri 12PM - 1PM ERB 556A
TuTh 1PM - 2PM ERB 556A

Teaching Assistant

  • Shovon Pereira (snp3941 (at) mavs (dot) uta (dot) edu)
Office Hours
Days Time Location
Mo-Fri 12PM - 1PM Teams

Course Materials




This schedule is tentative and may change.

Date Topic Materials
January 13 Course Introduction, Supervised Learning
January 15 Regularization, Probability Theory, and Linear Discriminant Analysis