CSE 4310 - Fundamentals of Computer Vision


This is the course page for CSE 4310 - Fundamentals of Computer Vision. Here you’ll find slides and other helpful resources. All assignments and announcements will be posted on Canvas.

Instructor Office Hours

Days Time Location
MoWeFri 12PM - 1PM ERB 125
TuTh 1PM - 2PM ERB 125

Teaching Assistants

  • Roman Strukov (rxs6055 (at) mavs (dot) uta (dot) edu)
Office Hours
Days Time Location
TuWe 5 - 6PM Teams

Course Materials




This schedule is tentative and may change.

Date Topic Materials
January 13 Course Introduction
January 15 Human Vision and Color
January 17 Sampling and Aliasing
January 22 Linear Filters
January 24 Interest Points
January 27 Image Features
January 29 Image Features
January 31 Histogram of Oriented Gradients
February 3 Scale Invariant Feature Transforms
February 5 Bag of Visual Words and Feature Matching
February 10 RANSAC
February 12 Hough Transforms
February 14 CANCELLED
February 17 Image Segmentation
February 19 Image Segmentation
February 21 Machine Learning Basics
February 24 Machine Learning Basics
February 26 Neural Networks
February 28 Neural Networks
March 3 Convolutional Neural Networks
March 5 PyTorch Tutorial
March 7 Pytorch Lightning Tutorial
March 17 Object Detection
March 19 Object Detection
March 21 NO CLASS
March 24 Optical Flow
March 26 Tracking