CSE 4310 - Fundamentals of Computer Vision
This is the course page for CSE 4310 - Fundamentals of Computer Vision. Here you’ll find slides and other helpful resources. All assignments and announcements will be posted on Canvas.
Instructor Office Hours
Days | Time | Location |
MoWeFri | 12PM - 1PM | ERB 125 |
TuTh | 1PM - 2PM | ERB 125 |
Teaching Assistants
- Roman Strukov (rxs6055 (at) mavs (dot) uta (dot) edu)
Office Hours
Days | Time | Location |
TuWe | 5 - 6PM | Teams |
⭓Course Materials
- Richard Szeliski, Computer Vision: Algorithms and Applications, Springer, 2020.
- David Forsyth and Jean Ponce, Computer Vision: A Modern Approach, Prentice Hall, 2011.
This schedule is tentative and may change.
Date | Topic | Materials |
January 13 | Course Introduction |
January 15 | Human Vision and Color | |
January 17 | Sampling and Aliasing | |
January 22 | Linear Filters | |
January 24 | Interest Points | |
January 27 | Image Features | |
January 29 | Image Features | |
January 31 | Histogram of Oriented Gradients | |
February 3 | Scale Invariant Feature Transforms | |
February 5 | Bag of Visual Words and Feature Matching | |
February 10 | RANSAC | |
February 12 | Hough Transforms | |
February 14 | CANCELLED |
February 17 | Image Segmentation | |
February 19 | Image Segmentation | |
February 21 | Optical Flow |