
This schedule is tentative and may change.

Date Topic Materials
June 4 Course Introduction, Python Review
June 6 Color, Sampling and Aliasing
June 11 Linear Filters and Interest Points
June 13 Histogram of Oriented Features, Scale-Invariant Feature Transform
June 18 Bag of Words, Feature Matching, RANSAC
June 20 Hough Transform, Image Segmentation
June 25 Segmentation by Clustering, Optical Flow
July 2 Tracking
July 4 Independence Day Holiday
July 9 Camera Calibration, Stereo Vision
July 11 Machine Learning Intro.
July 16 Neural Networks
July 18 Intro. to Deep Learning
July 23 PyTorch Tutorial
July 25 Recurrent Neural Networks and Transformers
July 30 Object Detection and Instance Segmentation
August 1 Generative Adversarial Networks and Vision Transformers
August 6 Final Project Presentations