DASC 5304 - Machine Learning

DASC 5304 - Machine Learning

This is the course page for DASC 5304 - Machine Learning in Spring 2025. Here you’ll find class notes and other helpful resources. All assignments and announcements will be posted on Canvas.

Instructor Office Hours

Days Time Location
MoWeFri 12PM - 1PM ERB 125
TuTh 1PM - 2PM ERB 125

Teaching Assistant

Sudharani Bannengala (sxb7066 (at) mavs (dot) uta (dot) edu)

Office Hours

Days Time Location
MoWe 11AM - 12PM ERB 501

Course Materials




This schedule is tentative and may change.

Date Topic Materials
January 14 Course Introduction
January 16 Supervised Learning
January 21 Probability Theory Review
January 23 Probabilistic Models
January 28 Using Python for Machine Learning
January 30 Kernels and Support Vector Machine